
太阳能命令检查是一个每日更新,基于您的家庭的智能电表数据为过去30天。它会告诉你你的系统何时在生产太阳能,或者我们是否认为可能有问题。为此,我们估计您的太阳能产量,然后将其与您的大小、年龄、位置的系统的预期产量进行比较。然后,我们可以提供其性能的指示。由于我们所掌握的有关您系统的信息有限,这只是一个估计。我们不再向新客户提供Solar Command。对于现有的Solar Command用户,Solar Command是一个实时太阳能监测服务。它可以远程监控你的系统的能源生产和家庭能源使用情况,计算你估计节省的能源,显示你使用了多少太阳能或电网能源,并通过个性化的仪表盘提供这些信息。如果您订阅了Solar Command, AGL将在您的总机上安装一个设备,以读取和记录所需的数据,为您提供这种见解。在这里登录Solar Command。
一旦你的太阳能电池板成功安装在你的屋顶上,你的仪表将需要更新。这是为了确保你通过太阳能上网电价得到补偿。安装你的新电表有太阳能电池板意味着你现在可以把电力送回电网,并为你提供的电力而得到奖励。为了测量这个功率,你需要升级你的仪表。有时,太阳能电池板安装公司会为你安排,但并非总是如此。如果您还没有安装新的电表,请联系我们的太阳能新连接团队1800 680 430(周一至周五,上午8:30 -下午6点美国东部时间)。我什么时候能收到我的太阳能上网积分?只有在您的电表安装完毕,并且我们收到您的安装公司的相关文件后,您才能获得对电网供电的积分。如果你的太阳能电池板已经安装,但你没有收到积分,我们可能还在等待你的安装公司的文件。欲了解更多信息,请联系我们的太阳能新连接团队1800 680 430(美国东部时间周一至周五上午8:30 -下午6点)。 How much will I receive? The feed-in tariff rate you’ll be getting will differ from state to state and depend on which plan you’re on. You can find out more about our plans on our Solar and Renewables page. You’ll be able to see your tariff by viewing your contract in My Account. Tracking your solar power After you’ve got your meter set up, you’ll be able to see how much power your system is sending back to the grid through the AGL Energy app or My Account. It takes about 2 weeks to get this up and running on our end – so you may not be able to access this info immediately. While we can provide you with solar insights and statistics about usage, we’re unable to access information from your solar panels directly. Getting the most out of your solar system Now that you’ve taken the steps to get solar installed, you’re probably wondering how you can make the most out of it. Use your power: While your system will automatically sell excess power back to the grid through your solar feed-in tariff, it usually works out better to use your power. For appliances you’d normally run in the afternoon or evening, like a washing machine or dishwasher, run them during the day if you can. This way you’ll be using the power generated from your solar panels instead of sending it the grid and then buying back more power later. Of course, if you have a home battery system, you’ll be able to save the power for later use anyway. Stagger your consumption: Instead of putting on your washing machine, dishwasher and dryer, at the same time, stagger the cycles. Most modern appliances have timing functions so you’re able to set the dishwasher to begin when your washing machine has finished etc. This will minimise the power draw and enable you to use the power from your panels throughout the day instead of buying extra power from the grid when you run them at the same time. Keep track: Using a PV (photovoltaic) tracking app will allow you to stay on top of the performance of your panels throughout the day and compare against its history. Usually, the solar inverter brand or company will be able to recommend the best way to track activity. You’re also able to use the AGL Energy app and My Account to monitor any power that’s sent to the grid. More information If you’d like more information on solar or our solar plans, you can find out more on our Solar and Renewables page.
我们都知道可再生能源是前进的方向。如果你想为环境和你的钱包做点贡献,和AGL讨论安装太阳能可能是答案,因为有很多好处。太阳能是如何工作的?太阳能板,也称为光伏板(PV板),将阳光转化为能量。然后利用逆变器将这种能量转化为电能。这些电要么为你的家庭能源需求提供动力,要么可以反馈到电网中。安装太阳能可以在两个关键方面帮助减少你的能源账单:你自己发电,因此你减少了你需要从电网购买的电量。你可以对你卖回给电网的任何多余电力收取电费。太阳能AGL的主要环保优点是使用高质量、高效和持久的太阳能电池板。任何用于制造或安装该系统的能源通常都是其整个生命周期所产生的能源的好几倍。 And, once installed, solar energy does not produce any greenhouse gas emissions. The costs of solar energy There is an initial outlay to install solar energy (either electricity or hot water). However, you may find these establishment costs are covered by the savings you make over time in energy costs. If you pay for the solar system upfront, you can start saving immediately. If you don’t have the finances to pay upfront, AGL offers flexible finance to make it easier to enjoy solar. And, depending on where you live, if you feed excess electricity back into the grid you could be entitled to a credit. There are also government incentives available for installing renewable energy like solar, including the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES). AGL is Australia’s largest non-government owner and operator of renewable energy assets. And when it comes to solar energy we don’t believe one size fits all. We provide expert advice and tailor solar solutions specifically for you that take into account your particular property, energy usage and your budget. Visit our solar energy page to find out how we can tailor a solar solution for your property or to enquire about a free quote. Or, you can always call us on 1300 377 118.
我们不再为新住宅或商业太阳能客户提供太阳能指挥订阅。要监控发送到网格的任何电源,您可以使用AGL Energy应用程序和我的帐户。对于现有的太阳能指令客户(住宅和商业):我们在交换机上安装了物理设备,使我们能够将太阳系作为太阳命令订阅的一部分监控。
选择太阳能电池时,您可能要考虑:您的太阳能生产和家庭能源使用是否合适,您的家是否适合电池。为了从电池中最大限度地节约能源,你需要每天有足够的多余太阳能来给电池充电,并且每天需要有足够的能量来给电池放电。在考虑哪种太阳能电池适合你的家时,有几件事要记住:你能在墙上或地板上安装电池吗?你能在室内或室外安装电池吗?如果是在户外,你是否有合适的地方有足够的阴凉或遮盖物?你有足够的空间安装电池吗?电池需要足够的墙壁空间来安装硬件。它们还需要与可居住区域、门窗分开。您的AGL安装人员将在现场检查期间确定适合电池系统的位置。如果你住在阿德莱德,有一个现有的AGL或非AGL太阳系,你可能有资格加入AGL的虚拟发电厂的最后阶段。 Purchase LG Chem or Tesla Powerwall battery technology at a great price.
我们不再为新住宅或商业太阳能客户提供太阳能指挥订阅。要监控发送到网格的任何电源,您可以使用AGL Energy应用程序和我的帐户。对于现有的太阳能指令客户(住宅和商业):太阳能指令要求我们将物理设备附加到米板,因此我们可以将太阳系监控为AGL的太阳能命令订阅的一部分。您仍然能够在数字监控门户中监控您的使用情况。
安装太阳能发电系统可以显著减少总账单金额。太阳能发电系统通过屋顶上的太阳能板将太阳能转化为电能。以这种方式发电被认为是环保的,因为它不会产生直接的温室气体排放。净计量太阳能电力系统,电力使用生成的家庭或业务,和任何多余的电力(太阳能发电系统在哪里生成多被用于家庭或业务在任何时候)反馈到电网。通过一个总计量太阳能发电系统,所有产生的电力都被反馈到电网。使用净或总计量太阳能发电系统的客户将支付多余的电力,这些电力将以太阳能馈入信贷的形式反馈到电网。因此,一个净计量太阳能发电系统减少了家庭和企业在白天需要购买的电量。此外,为不被家庭或企业使用而被送入电网的太阳能电力提供的补贴抵销了从电网购买电力的成本。在一个总计量太阳能发电系统中,所有太阳能发电都被送入电网,为此家庭或企业将获得feedin credit,但家庭或企业使用的所有电力都从电网中提取,并根据客户的能源计划支付费用。太阳能上网电价用于计算太阳能上网账单抵免,各州不同,可能取决于签订太阳能上网协议的时间和建立的计量方式。 The amount of any solar Feed-in Credits received will depend on geographical location, the size of the solar power system installed and, in the case of net metered systems, the energy usage of the home or business at the time the solar power system is generating electricity. Installing a solar power system reduces the size of electricity bills, and can significantly do so depending on size of the particular system installed. For more information about solar power systems, please visit AGL Solar or call the AGL Solar team on 1300 274 165.
对于现有的太阳能指挥客户(住宅和商业):如果您的系统已关闭或不再通信,Solar命令将向您发送自动故障警报。谈到AGL Solar命令专家,以帮助您的系统备份和运行:住宅客户:1300 377 118商业客户:1300 356 363。
LG Chem Resu10h只能安装在完全保护阳光下的位置。首选地点位于车库或汽车端口。合格的电工将进行AGL现场检查,以评估合适的电池安装位置,并评估您的网站,以确定您的LG Chem Resu电池可以安全安装在哪里。
AGL.has committed to get out of coal fired generation , starting in 2022 and ending by 2050. We already run one of Australia’s largest solar plant and wind farm and we’ve started a fund that will invest in approximately 1,000 MW of large-scale renewable generation for everyone. Here are some helpful resources: The 2019 Annual Report The Data Centre AGL's sustainable commitments.
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